What does Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira do?
Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira (SVB) was founded in 2003. We promote plant-based diets by organizing veg fests, promoting Meatless Mondays, managing a Vegan Label, and working with restaurants to increase vegan offerings through their Vegan Option Program. SVB also works with health professionals to spread knowledge of the health benefits of a plant-based diet offering a 16-hour course and organizing plant-based conferences for health professionals.
For wire transfer use our bank details are:
IBAN: BR3960746948031140000760633C1
Organization information:
Organization: Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira
Address: Rua Anita Garibaldi 29, cj 1102 – CEP 01018020 – São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Phone number: +55 11 3104-5282
Registration number (CNPJ): 05.852.939/0001-06
City Tax Inscription: 5.678.508-9
Representative: Guilherme Carvalho ([email protected])